FAQS (200 Hour YTT)

How much yoga experience is recommended in order to participate in teacher training?
We recommend at least 6 months of physical practice, although our participants range in levels of experience.

What happens if I get Covid?
If you miss more than 4 days of training as a result from Covid-related illness, we will transfer any payments made to next year’s YTT programme.

Will I be able to teach anywhere in the world after completing your YTT programme?
Yes! We are accredited with the Yoga Alliance International Registry, and are accredited by Yoga Alliance as a Continuing Education provider, which enables you to teach anywhere in the world.

Are there any circumstances you could envision arising in which YTT would be canceled? What then?
We do not envision any circumstances at present where YTT would be canceled. However, should something significant arise our response will be to postpone YTT until later in the year (such as in the case of another Covid outbreak or new government mandates that prevent us from gathering).

What if I miss parts of the course?
Private catch-up sessions with a tutor can be arranged an an extra cost to catch you up if sections are missed.

Is there an online option?
No; we do not currently offer an online option for YTT. All of our trainings are conducted in person.

What is your vaccination policy?
In accordance with the guidelines and recommendations of the NZ Government and NZ Exercise Industry Association, we do not require proof of vaccination to participate in YTT. However, should the guidelines change while YTT is already underway then it is possible we’d have to transfer your participation to next year if an alternative solution can’t be reached.

Does the retreat cater to special diets?

What extra costs are there? (e.g., books, additional materials)?
The required texts for 200-hour YTT are: The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long; The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda; and the The Living Gita (Bhagavad Gita) by Swami Satchidananda. We also recommend purchasing The Key Poses of Yoga by Ray Long and Macivor, and Te Reo Yoga Cards as well, which provide Te Reo cuing instructions and the names of postures. NB: We will supply the course manual but the required textbooks are not included in your tuition. These books are available for purchase at AWHI studio or online through your preferred provider.

Other questions?

Please don’t hesitate to ask!
Email us at: kiaora@awhiyoga.co.nz